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"Man is Born Free, and Everywhere He is in Chains"


All my life, I have been told to follow orders, and do the things that are neat in the eyes of God.  First of all, I find no logical reason on why I should praise someone that I don’t know of much.  Since then, I have been more inquisitive, and I asked myself questions such as:  Did God truly create us?  Or we, people, were the ones who created God out of ignorance?  Well, People are right, “no man is perfect.”  But man creates perfection.  People even create perfect characters for a perfect story.  Don’t you think the Bible was just created & exaggerated?  What if there really is a God?  What if he really does exist?  What would I do?  Should I hate him for his sins?  Will all these valid questions of mine lead me to flames?  Will my being inquisitive put me to harm?  But if ever there really is a God, will he cure me of my desire to know everything?  Infuse in me, a great care for my eternal salvation?  Judge me on what I have done towards my salvation and not whether I have a perfect knowledge of the arts & human sciences?  Give to me and to all the faithful the grace to know, to esteem, to love, and to practice the virtue of humility?  Purify and sanctify my body so that it may be a temple worthy of recieving?  Believe in what you want to believe in and not in what you have to.

First of all, why should I go to church and praise someone I don’t really know of much?  Also, I have walked in to many churches, and have listened to lots of priests, pastors, or the lecturers; but still, I don’t understand why when these religious teachers don’t explain God very well.  They just put into people's minds of how great God is.  They are just manipulating and brainwashing innocent minds by telling them, “God is powerful,” and “God is the father of all creation.”  These God preachers have been such inspirations for the ways that I believe I will never ever choose to be.

Out of this, I have been more inquisitive, and thought that man had just created God out of ignorance.  People are right, that no man is perfect, and that everyone is born innocent.  But man, I believe, creates perfection.  Man even creates perfect villains for perfect heroes, for a perfect story of a perfect book, just like the Bible.  Other books have been based on a true story, however, exaggerated to make it more interesting.  Do you think the Holy Bible was created exaggerated?  Also, I have read a book called, “Greek Mythology.”  In this book, it proved that Gods were just characters which were created, and perfected by man to make it believable.  It proves that there has not been only one God.   There were many, thousands in fact, all the same, and all fictional.  Just talk about Zeus, Thor, Quezacoatl, Ra, Sheeba, Including Jesus.  Explain how these Gods were used in the past (to answer unknowns), how followers of these Gods were absolutely positive of the Gods’ existence, and how they even killed in their names.  As Gods have gotten old, new Gods came along, for no real reason other than a need for change and the progress of science.  Now, there are fewer Gods left, and many people still believe in them (Buddha, Jesus, etc.) for the same reasons.

Indeed, people seem to have lots of valid questions that have not been answered by their knowledge.  From taking a look at the past, many believed in different Gods because they haven’t got any answers from mysteries like: How fire is created?  How did storms and typhoons were formed?  And how plants have grown and multiplied?  Some unknowns have been answered already based on studies in science.  It will be all just a matter of time between the days and the nights, and more will be answered.

But what if God really does exist?  What would I do?  Should I hate him for his sins?  Would life be a lot easier, or more complicated because of his rules?  Why is he hiding himself from us?  Why did he take millions of lives in his own hands during Noah’s Ark, when it rained 40 days and 40 nights?  Why only he, can break thy own commandments?  Why doesn’t he respect the freedom of his own creatures?  Why does he want people to think, that they have limited skills and knowledge?  Why does he want us to think that we cannot do things he does?  Why does he want us to stay innocent, or ignorant, or be unaware of the truth?  Why doesn’t he want us to take even just one bite of that tasteful fruit?  Why are we being punished for being inquisitive?  Why is it that when he lies, it is only just a test?  Why is it that when man desires to learn, they are being sinful?  Why only he, has the control and authority?  Are we really the ones who are being selfish, or is he the one?  It’s not like you killed someone; it’s not like you drove the hateful spear into his eyes if you learned more about him.

As early as I can remember, I have learned a few magic tricks to amuse my friends.  I would tell them, “there is no trick," "it’s just magic.”  All the while, I knew those who believed it were being fooled.  Isn’t it difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed and passed over?  Above all, I’d still say that you should believe in what you want to believe in, and not in what you have to.  Everything is up to you, whether you choose to believe in magic without explanations and be blind, or live your life to the fullest without chains.



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